2009年3月26日 星期四

身心靈講座; A Talk: The Scientific & Medical evidence in Spirituality

BodyMindSoul Video Workshop3


多得多位朋友的幫忙**, 這裡上載了二月十九日晚上, 在綠色生活教育基金 Club O , 這糸列講座的最後一講的 (應該是) 全部內容.

必須說的是, 這次是同一題目中, 我自己個人感到最興奮快意的一次. 相信是因為已有了上幾次的「熱身」, 予會人士本身水平高自是不在話不 :-)




Many Lives, Many Masters, Same Soul, Many bodies by Dr. Brian Weiss
Collective Consciousness & cultural healing by Duane Elgin
Conversation with God, Friendship with God, Communion with God by Neale Donald Walsch
The Soul & Quantum Physics> by Dr. Fred Alan Wolf
What can Science tell us about Collective Consciousness By Dr. Robert Kenny
*The Intention Experiment by Lynne McTaggart
The Life of Vivekananda and the Universal Gospel by Romain Rolland
The Life of Rama Krishna published by Adaita Ashrama; www.adaitaasharama.org
The Hour of God by Sri Aurobindo
Raja Yoga by Swarmi Vivekananda
What the Buddha taught by Prof. Walpola Rahula (Dharma text, book not for sale)
Spontaneous fulfillment of desires by Deepak Chopra
The Energy of Prayer, No Death, no Fear by Thich Nhat Hanh
Awakening> by Mary Rodwell
Quantum Physics in for Radical Revision—DNA; excerpt fr the book Vernetzte Intelligenz
By Grazyna Fosar & Franz Bludorf; summarized & commented by Baerbel
The Complete guide to the Kabbalah by Will Parfitt
The Alchemist by Paolo CoehloInternal documents, Human Universal Energy

此外, 講座中提到「愛」與「懼」的能量本質, 亦在這裡表列給大家參考:

The contrasting features of “fear” vs “Love”:

L-the energy which expands, opens up, sends out, stays, reveals, shares, heals

F-the energy which contracts, closes down, draws in, runs, hides, hoards, harms

L-give away all we have; holds clear, lets go, soothes & amends

F-clings to clutches all that we have; holds close, grasps, rankles & attacks

原文出自Conversation w/ God 糸列各部分, 為免失真, 在此不妄作翻譯; 留給大家細味固中意思.



**包括幫忙錄影設備的 Tina Li Hoffman Wong, 還有孔慶玲小姐的悉心安排.

特別鳴謝: 郭勝千 (阿千) 先生把影帶剪輯上載, 工夫不少的! (嘻嘻, 如果能用電腦特技, 去掉臉上皺紋眼袋什麼的更好啦…) 我在其他場合的講座和活動錄影, 他還在處理中, 大家多電郵給他加油吧!

3 則留言:

  1. 當晚我也出席,十分精彩!還有一本書符醫生未有題及的,是Fritjof Capraha的The Tao of Physics,其實很值得推介的呢!

  2. Great! The libraries here are incredibly comprehensive; I can go trying my luck w/ this book tomorrow. Many thanks. WM.

  3. 嘻嘻,無端端打英文... . 告訴您,方圓,我現在五歲的姪女也叫方圓: 符方圓. 我大哥的意思, 是想她懂規矩: 孟子曰: 無規矩不成方圓... . 好似現在太小還不行 :-)
