就上次我們討論「人類文明的關鍵時刻」這話題上, 不少朋友提出重要意見, 看來應先補充完畢, 才進入下一題目.
It came rather a surprise that I received a few suggestions & comments for my last post on this topic in just a few days. Looks better that those are addressed adequately before we move on to the next subject of discussion, the notion of vegetarian diet.
1. 馬雅曆記錄到2012年12月21日, 好像聳人聽聞, 真有根據嗎? 2012年12月22日= 世界末日嗎?
The notion that known records of the Mayan Calendar ends on the 21st December 2012 is worrisome. Does it mean that the 22nd December 2012= the End of the World?
若明瞭量子力學中, 「時間」這概念的真正意思 (這兒定將再作述說), 以及人的意念與物質世界的現實之間的相互關係, 世界末日這個「小」問題, 即時変得顯淺得很:
*非得須知將來為何; 乃須尋覓活出將來.
不是嗎? 任何文獻在任何一點記錄完畢, 當中可能意義重大, 亦可能毫無意義. 我們怎麼可能憑空推算得到固中道理?
For anyone who really understands the concept of Time in the perspective of Quantum Mechanics (this will SURELY occupy a chapter in our discussion in future at this site here), as well as the relationship between Intention & Reality in its right state of affairs, it should become obvious to him/ her, with respect to this little problem of “22nd December 2012”:
*The future is NOT for us to know; the future is there for us to live into, seek & find.
The plain fact that any Calendar ends at any point could or might carry certain meaning, unless it does not J
抗拒無常並尋問意義是人之常情, 只有覺者明察秋毫, 此所謂「智者不惑」.
在此一題目上, 基本資料就是這個被認為來頭不小的「宇宙曆」, 記錄剛剛完結在多位靈性學者知道是多事之秋的時候. 理會與否是人們的自由意向, 但我有理由相信, 不可置之不理.
It is Human nature to resist changes (the Dharma Seals of Dukkha & Anicca as preached by the Buddha) & cling to meanings to cultivate our own sense of security, but these efforts are most often futile. The aware & conscious would rather look at the ‘problem’ at its very core & ‘live out’ his Reality.
The plain fact we have here is that this “Cosmic Calendar” of substantial agreed significance also happens to have a recorded end at an era opinionated by spiritual authors as extra-ordinary. The question is whether you choose to take heed of that or not; I choose to. And I think my reasons are sound ones.
其一是按某些數據模式的推算, 北極冰帽完全溶掉的時間是2012年 (亦有說2026). 其準繩度並非此討論的重點; 人所共知的事實是: 冰溶的最後階段可以很快而無法預測. 問題是: 任誰也無法想像得, 到一個無冰的北極是個怎樣的世界吧? 還用我在此多貧嘴嗎?
According to some projecting mathematical models on the melting pattern of the Polar regions, one estimate is that 2012 is the time of complete melt-out of the North Polar Ice Cap (some says 2026). Accuracy and margin of error is off the point of discussion here; any housewife can tell U her hands-on experience w/ frozen food that the final stage of flawing is FAST (thus UNPREDICTABLE). An iceless North Pole is beyond everybody’s wildest imagination, agreed? Do I need to drill on this further?
另一個未免「太巧合」的事: 只約是十年前, 人們也許未聞說過密宗 (即金剛乘佛教中的藏傳佛教, 亦稱喇嘛教), 或連西藏在啥地方也不知道, 緣何無端近年仁波車都在外傳佛法, 西藏問題又「突然」上了國際層面? 必要聲明的是: 我充其量只是個對各宗教教義略有涉獵的自學者, 一切官方訊息, 務必向有關方面求證, 無意在此作非正式的「代言人」. 但據我好些修煉密宗的長輩朋友的師傅們所示, 密宗之所以稱為「密」宗, 以其有別於顯宗, 他們固有的一套佛法和修持, 只到了近世才能向外傳, 上天所示下的原因是, 之前人類的精神文明還未成熟到足夠水平; 亦可以說當我們進入了水瓶座時期, 普世的內觀自省成了大氣候.
Another piece of the same cake is about Tantric (Vajrayana) Buddhism, a term which may have been unheard of to many of us some 10 years ago. Why all a sudden Rinpoches are out preaching & all the political concern about sovereignity of Tibet, whose location on a map many might even have problem to set their fingers at? The doctrines, both on spiritual ascension & bodily training, of this branch of Mahayana Buddhism have been kept strictly to insiders for about a thousand years; thus the origin of its translated name in Chinese, 密宗, which literally means The Secretive Doctrines, as opposed to 顯宗, meaning The Open Doctrines. At most only a knowledgeable self-learner of various religions, I am by all means no official spokeswoman of any sort here; one will have to consult the respective authority for that purpose. According to my many friends who are senior Tantric Buddhism practitioners, their guru’s teachings is that Humanity spirituality has previously been NOT of mature enough level to be receptive, till ONLY recently. Or one may resort our now better receptivity to the current Era of Aquarius, when many of us simply cannot resist our internal call of self-reflection.
我個人想東西傾向 「好天真, 好傻」 :-) 也無可救藥地樂觀, 所以我根本否定 「世界末日」 這個說法! 當然也因為我有其他訊息來源, 以後有機會定就這些細談. 這裡簡單的總結是: 我相信這時代是個新紀元, 只要我們當中有足夠的人這麼相信.
Born an optimist, I simply refuse, & I of course also have my reasons, to think that the world will be a goner by end of 2012. My personal belief, as well as judgment from other sources, is that there WILL BE a New Era awaiting us. The KEY issue is: if there're enough of us believing in the notions of a New Era, so it WILL BE.