搞這麼一個講座, 肯定的是講者學到的比聽眾多! 不是說技巧方面這種老生常談, 奇妙的是在那數個月以來, 接二連三的遇到高人, 或是指正我一些想當然的錯失, 或是證實我本來不太肯定的推論, 又或是在我屢想不通的關鍵點, 給我來個灌頂洗禮... , 每每還是在相關講座前不久, 真是奇也怪哉! 以致講座內容持續更新增多, 雖怕有失控之勢, 然而整體畫面卻愈見清晰. 到最後得 Mr Neil Gould 介紹認識了ACERN (Australian Close Encounter Research Network) 的Ms Mary Rodwell, 她的網址: http://www.acern.com.au/
拜讀了她的大作, 及後她慷慨提供的有關 Wave Genetics (姑且譯成「波頻基因學」吧) 的資料, 看得我張口結舌, 了然是片新天新地.
How I came up w/ giving these talks was by pure chance. Friends of spirituality do share a common feeling w/ me that the terms 'Body', 'Mind', 'Soul' have nowadays become more like empty slogans that the authentic meanings tend to be overlooked. The most miraculous bit is: masters keep turning up to teach me related knowledge that I was & am still much bewildered *_* Just a month ago or so, Ms Mary Rodwell of ACERN in Australia (The Australian Close Encounter Resources Network), introduced by a new friend I met another week earlier, sent me documents on "wave genetics", which I received w/ staring eyes o_O! Her website:
此外, 予會者的提問實大有參考價值. 我打算在這裡, 把在各場合這同一講座中俱啟發性的討論話題整理好, 公諸同好; 更歡迎大家參與.
1. 何以見得現時是人類文明的關鍵時刻? 真是的話, 我們應何以厠身及自處?
Why say that we’re now at a critical point of Human History? What are our roles or do we find ourselves?
其實只需看看我給予會人士的參考資料 (見本文末; 當然還須細讀一下那些材料), 不難發現關於我們靈性進程這話題, 不約而同地, 以不同標題, 不同形式出現在該多本書中. 當然也因為我這個講者的選材偏好, 無法否定; 但碰巧這陣子看的資料都觸及這同一題目? 太巧合了吧?!
在 <與神對話> 糸列中, 作者更是開宗明義地指出人類文明有哪些轉捩點:
第二個是一萬年前, 人類從遊牧生活轉為農耕定居; 而城邦文明則在五千年前旦生.
各位作者雖則用字各異, 但所指的是同一件事: 一個範式轉移 (paradigm shift) 靈性的提升, 且是集體的提升.
The 2nd one was 10 thousand years back when humanity shifted from a nomadic way of life to settle in villages w/ the development of agriculture. Then there was the rise of city-states & the beginning of civilization about 5 thousand years ago.
Mr. Walsch described the upcoming 4th one a spiritual awakening. Although the exact wording adopted by different authors in such a description may vary, the essential meaning is the same: a paradigm shift, a different mind-set & values … an aspiration in collective consciousness.
可以肯定的是: 過程中的陣痛少不免! 當中或有人走在前方測試水溫..., 只要我們當中有足夠比例的人數 (a critical mass) 到達這靈性水平而渴望進階, 人類便會依序往前 :-)One thing for sure: ALL authors believe that it is inevitable that this process is going to be painstaking! Some individual may choose to push the boundaries and the rate of collective (spiritual) evolution will depends on the arrival of a critical mass w/in the overall population agreeing to co-create.
另外, 我只在兩次講座中談到馬雅曆. 這是西方靈能圈子中熱爆的話題. 馬雅曆一年有十三個月, 毎月有二十日, 一年有二百六十日, 正與胎兒在母體的平均孕期, 二百六十六日非常吻合, 故被認為是「宇宙曆」.
The notion of 2012 is currently a BIG HOT topic, referring to the Maya Calender, The "Cosmic Calender". I failed to mention this in some of my previous talks. In the Calender, one year consists of 13 months of 20 days each & that makes a year having 260 days, which matches nicely w/ any ordinary gestational period in our mothers' womb of an average of 266 days.
馬雅曆現存的記錄只共有二十六萬年. 天文學家計算到馬雅曆有記錄的最後一天即是我們西曆的2016 年12 月21日. 很自然大家都在想12 月22日是個怎樣的日子呢?
What we now know about this calender is that the Mayans have records up to the 260, 000 years & NO MORE. Their one year is of shorter duration than ours & astrologists have arrived at the LAST day w/in Mayan record to be this VERY day in our calender: the 21st December, 2012. What is going to happen on the 22nd then?
在講座中我談到水瓶座期, 不正是我們大家都感覺到的嗎? 過去一千年的白羊座期, 人們都忙著東征西討; 現在大家都開始關心靈性生活, 靈能提升. 還需要更多「證據」嗎?
And of course there is the point is the Era of Aquarius & that's exactly what we can feel going on for the past decade or so--- in our previous Era of Aries, people are concerned w/ conquering & occupying; now we all have this terrible urge to go inside & seek our own (spiritual) refuge. Isn't all the above self-evident?
Coming Next: 葷素之間; To go vegan or not, should we be bothered
Collective Consciousness & cultural healing by Duane Elgin
Conversation with God, Friendship with God, Communion with God by Neale Donald Walsch
The Soul & Quantum Physics> by Dr. Fred Alan Wolf
What can Science tell us about Collective Consciousness By Dr. Robert Kenny
*The Intention Experiment by Lynne McTaggart
The Life of Vivekananda and the Universal Gospel by Romain Rolland
The Life of Rama Krishna published by Adaita Ashrama; www.adaitaasharama.org
The Hour of God by Sri Aurobindo
Raja Yoga by Swarmi Vivekananda
What the Buddha taught by Prof. Walpola Rahula (Dharma text, book not for sale)
Spontaneous fulfillment of desires by Deepak Chopra
The Energy of Prayer, No Death, no Fear by Thich Nhat Hanh一行禪師
Awakening> by Mary Rodwell
Quantum Physics in for Radical Revision—DNA; excerpt fr the book Vernetzte Intelligenz
By Grazyna Fosar & Franz Bludorf; summarized & commented by Baerbel
The Complete guide to the Kabbalah by Will Parfitt
The Alchemist by Paolo CoehloInternal documents, Human Universal Energy
顧問: 郭勝千先生, Dr. Narendra Nath Datta, 林甜威先生, 謝炳燦先生, Ms Mary Rodwell