2009年12月7日 星期一


Though cannot fully distant myself fr the sensitive subject of Religion, I do wanna stay away fr Politics (urh! :-6 ) as much as possible. But perhaps an exception here, would U mind?

Just read in the June 1st issue of Times magazine on P.20-23 "The CXA's (or CIX's) Silent War in ...**". I've actually flipped thru' this piece many times & was about to return this copy to the library, but.... . Well, I scorn any recount of the content here as it is too nauseating & believe a better title will be "The XIA's (or CXX's) Dirty Cheapie tricks of Cowardice." Check this piece out & I'm almost sure U'll be w/ me here.

Just what is in the small stale minds of those weapon developers (they've a nice name: defense contractor) ???? Mr. Engineers of a company named Gen. Atomics based in SD? This comes to 2 main points of discussion.

1. Does the (what-you-want or as-you-desire) end ALWAYS justifies ALL means? Ask yourselves, Mr Engineers, can U honestly tell any fundamental difference in your haggard & end-of-wits ideas behind this 'defense' development project from those engaged in jihads, other than that it costs millions more & comes w/ a high-tech fanciful name? Let aside ideological rightfulness & polical correctness, at least people know what's in a jihad; I do not know a 'drone' can have such applications as to kill (perhaps it only refers to the sounds the machines produce?), U cowards! Quoting a top operation man in Afghan, Mr Hxnk Crxmpton, "the drone was a 'brilliant intelligence tool'." OK, tell me Mr Crumptxn, do U teach your son to ambush in school playgrounds when he is desperate at anything, do U or do U not? Make a statement of yourself by telling: do U or do U not, sir.

For sure even a high-schooler can tell if the end always justify the means (oops, perhaps not US high schoolers...). But is it even more shameful to have your dirty trick put under the banner of 'scientific development' & hips of money into crushing the unarmed at the strikes? Dear sirs, think about the spirit of swordmanship in tournaments your European medieval ancestors talked of; ??this spirit has got so diluted by capitalism, expansionism (of course Egoism!) & whimsical paradigm shifts (or swirls?) that it now only gets smirked at? But isn't the Middle Ages also called the Dark Ages in European History? Where are we now? The Ultra-Dark Ages? Even from a totally utilitarian point of view, all intelligence points to the VERY fact that 'for every family affected by any drone attack, at least 5-6 potential jihadists can be recruited. Do U know simple arithmetics, sir?

2. I 1st learnt about the term "terrorism" reading history of the Russian Revoluation: the Tzar's then stance of extreme sovereignty choked every thread of free-thinking of the young, especially those who had traveled & received education abroad. Down & out & frustrated, a small group of extremists resorted to blackmailing, kidnapping & violence, hoping to get themselves heard. "Terrorism has always been forlorn desperate means of the weak", when there is a lack of normal negotiating or ventilating channels. Then it just fits into the idea of:

"Any attack is a call for help." by Neale D. Walsch in his Conversation w/ God series; U'll find this in Bk 1. Chew between the lines & U'll see the gem of truth that lies underneath. This got me to think of the equally down-&-out Somalian pirates.... .

**about unmanned (drone) aircrafts that lay booming eggs

2009年10月9日 星期五

Why are eggs so expensive in Australia?

I never know that eggs should cost this much before I came here. The average is about HKD4 to 5 EACH, yes each. So half a dozen is about HKD30. When they come in specials, the lowest price I've come across is about HKD3 EACH, yes each.

Why are eggs in Australia expensive? They 'put the CHICKEN BEFORE the eggs', so they say. This pic was taken fr the bottom of an egg card board package; I almost wanna cry over the lines T_T Well, I wonder the 'cage people' in Shamshuipo HK may think this degree of stretchability a luxury ... .

Are the Australians being petty here? Then I do not know if it's petty to be KIND. I do know of a Science lunatic who has a strange imposing tendency to glorify everything 'scientific': nuclear power, the microwave, new mega-drugs, electronic gadgets ... & sure enough, evolution! I wonder how he should opine about 'store-raising' our evolutionary 'ancestors' in tight stacked-up cages, where their excreta get drained on heads to toes, only to get dried in pented-up summer heat?

New chicken brands by local farmers are renowned being 'shots-free' & a precious gem of scientific researches, but are they? A friend lives close to a chicken farm in Yuen Long HK & can tell exactly the 'vaccine' days of the year-- half a day of deafening squeaks when the actual shots are done, followed by DAYS of pungent choking smell of 'chemical' excreta.

Yeh, I know it is kinda foolish to jam my mind w/ all these sway thoughts just upon looking at the bottom of an egg box... . What is in your mind as U have your fried eggs & bacon this morning, my friend?

2009年10月6日 星期二

What is in their council new?-- my life as a (bystanding) Australian

I came across this picture at an eye-catching spot in the council newsletter of a Northern Suburb of Sydney some months back. Guess what it is about? An interview w/ a Mrs Davis who has helped save >200 orphan infant possums in the past 2 decades.

One fine day some 20 yrs ago, somehow, it occurred to Mrs Davis that perhaps there's a baby in the pouch of a dead possum by the curb side, apparently victim of a motor vehicle accident. Call that the 6th sense or what, indeed there was one little 'Pinky', so these little ones are later affectionately referred to. She gained help fr the local veterinary groups & RSPCA, but still many died; some are simply too underdeveloped to survive, I suppose.

Couldn't help myself fr the read, against the then-still-chilly breeze on my way to school that fine early spring morning... . Does it speak anything about the community, that this sort of apparently 'unimportant', according to the standards of most utilitarian societies perhaps, news ever get a place in the council newsletter? What is in our headlines of our local papers this morning? And yours?

Ang Lee's line

Perhaps too much query on how true people in the Entertainment Business are? Whenever they (even try to) express themselves, opinion/ emotions/ response/ whatever, they're mostly taken:
"well, she's an actress after all."
"HOW he ACTS!"

No news that those who have spent enough time in the industry tend to go 'burnt out' or a bit out of the frame... . On the other hand, any experienced Show Biz personale, who stays at the same time 'socially acceptable', often has to resort to leading a hermit's life or run the risk of 'out of sparks' (ie. end of their career). Yet at the back of my mind, they have my fullest respect. Anything less than complete devotion is simply not enough for the basic support of their sanity; so I learnt fr memoirs & biographies. A nice movie/ play/ drama speaks so much more in the chorus of Humanity.

Therefore when Lee touched at this very point in one of his answers in the Q&A session, it was really unnerving, to me. I forget even the question. But his line here is:
"I think that (what's most important) should be Honesty... to oneself & others alike; yet at the same time keeping your sanity."

This line weighs that of a gold nugget but feels like a lead lump in my throat.
For the online video record:


2009年8月26日 星期三

自然飲食過渡小錦囊3— 媽咪救命秘笈; Diet in tune with Nature3-- Survival guide to beginning moms

自然飲食過渡小錦囊— 媽咪救命秘笈

Diet in tune w/ Nature-- Survival Guide to beginning moms.
Authors: Dr WM Fu & Devoted Advisers*
Part I: FAQs & Our tips

3. 全穀類米價格較白米貴, 加上減少了肉食後, 家人飯後沒多久便嚷肚餓 (因較易消化). 皮費可不輕哩!

3. Everybody turns hungry sooner after we switch to less-meat-&-whole-grains meals (look, better & more efficient digestion!). This eats into the family budget. Help!

有辦法: 可加入其他含碳水化合物的雜糧,如各式應時豆類,或馬鈴薯、甘薯 (即蕃薯)和山芋,淮山片 (春季尤合)、南瓜、小米、薏米、 粟米粒等,既豐富米飯的口感和味道,也減輕皮費。亦可考慮做菜飯和菇菌飯。

Our Tips: Add in supplementary carbohydrate-rich vegies: seasonal lentils & beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin dices, milias, polentas & other grains. Taste & texture of your rice is greatly enriched. Similarly, rice enriched with sauteed vegies or mushrooms can be considered for the same budget-lowering effect.

豆類應與米同浸同煮,或看受熱程度先下豆, 水煮開了再下米. 夏季可選綠豆、眉豆、 赤小豆、 扁豆; 冬季可選紅豆、黑豆、紅腰豆。 薏米、玉米全年皆宜。印尼雜貨店有一種袋裝碎玉米,易存放易煮,方法與煮豆飯同。秋季的當然之選必是栗子。

Beans often take longer cooking time depending on their bead size, so boil them a few minutes ahead of the soaked rice as required. According to Ayurvedic medical principles, diet in line with the seasons is the best proof to Health & the colour often gives the observant the hints: red beans, black beans or kidney beans are best for Winter; green beans & eye beans for Summer. Corn kernels, pearl barley or polentas are all-seasons versatile add-ons. Think about chestnuts in Autumn to early Winter.

煮南瓜、薯芋類需時較短,最好切成小塊,在飯將煮好收水時才加。注意:甘薯和芋多吃易滯,只宜佔少量,食滯胃痛和胃腸濕熱皆忌。薯類的皮含豐富養分, 能接受的話,最好選購有機種植的,用刷子刷淨連皮同煮來吃。芋皮卻不能吃。

On the other hand, pumpkin, Taro & the potatoes are done sooner. Cut them into small dices to be added to your rice later at the final stage of low fire. This little trick gets every ingredients ready at the table in their respective required cooking time; thus no more soggy overcooked pumpkin or potatoes like rags. The skin of these stem-roots (except Taro) are wonderful source of nutrients. For the best benefits, buy organic, clean the surface w/ an old toothbrush & skip the peeling. Pls take note that patient of stomach problems or dyspepsia should avoid bulk amount of Taro or sweat potato.


Take it this way: would U rather spend on medical bills or on your food? Long-termed inappropriate diet is already beyond doubt the culprit of many chronic diseases. Let alone the medical bills, some may argue their insurance being seamlessly comprehensive, & what about the mental & emotional stress during even minor ailment?. It surely pays here: U're what U eat.

4. 煮全穀類米飯,很花時間才能把飯煮開. 家人都投訴飯硬和「頂胃」。

4. It takes a long while to cook un-milled whole grains like wheat, red or brown rice. And everybody complains against the 'hard' meal.

有辦法: 除了提早幾小時浸透生米,或混和白米這些方法外,有一個又快又好的妙方:把米浸好連水置塑料器皿放進冰格,水結冰膨脹,令穀物的纖維鬆軟,易煮快熟,省時省能源。

Our tips: We all know hours of soaking the whole grains ahead of cooking saves time & energy. One may also like to begin by mixing whole grains w/ white rice to soften meal texture. One quick fix is: soak the grains in a frost-resistant container to be placed in your freezer. Grain fibres get softened by ice crystals as a result & your tenderly chewy rice will be ready for the hungry gang soon enough.


最重要, 而都市人都多不去注意的是: 細嚼慢嚥 (想想您上一次, 認認真真的花上只管是半小時, 全心全意, 心無旁騖地吃一頓是甚麼時候?)根本這是老掉牙的話題, 卻是各地民族的傳統智慧, 亦已得到腸胃專家的科學證實: 毎口飯至少應咀嚼五十次, 食物才夠細碎, 及有足夠時間與唾液混致充分消化吸收, 穀物的天然滋味這才好戲在後頭哩。何苦賺那十數分鐘而賠上健康代價? 慢慢開始培養這健康習慣吧, 別再讓我們的腸胃幹粗活了。

Yet a most important & highly overlooked point is the invaluable bit of how your eat-- chewing (just think about this: when did U last spend at least half an hour at the table for a totally 'devoted', un-distracted meal?). An universal piece of traditional wisdom, as well as well-proven in modern medical terms, it is known that chewing of no less than 50 times is needed for adequate pulverization & mixing w/ saliva for the best digestion and absorption. U'll find the natural delicate grain flavour the ultimate bonus. Why so much hard work for our dutiful stomachs all these years in place of mere negligible minutes 'earned' from hashed meals?

看較早前 "小錦囊" , Click 入本文未的 "SMART EATING; 自然飲食."

For related posts, click the label "at the end.


5. 煮全穀類飯,家人時有投訴「無味」。

6. 想讓小朋友多吃水果,總是給各種包裝零食比下去,很是氣餒。

Coming next:

5. I want to cook whole grain meals but they all detest the bland charmless taste... .

6. I think my kids are not eating enough fruits but they'd rather turn to packaged snacks. This is so depressing.

*愛心顧問: 胡蘭華女士, 邱詠瑜女士. Fanny Wong 女士.
*Our Devoted Advisers: Ms Ida Wu, Ms Virginia Yau, Ms Fanny Wong

Ooops! Australian Art

Every one talks about art & artwork & arts & artists' events in Sydney & what I found here is: too much is going on & too many to join in.

This picture is in one of the rooms of the New South Wales Museum of Contemporary Art, a place I regard the best to spend a whole day every now & then.

Of course there're ongoing events & big exhibits... . But I rather adore a series of little side rooms at the back showing pencil works & sketches of early settlers. Small pieces of work of the size of your palm or your PC, as if they were just yesterday. Time in a bottle.

Click the label "旅遊大世界; Round the world in 80 seconds" for my other adventures. :-)

2009年8月24日 星期一

26.7.09- 未世方程式

對不起大家, 我人太散漫... :-P 這通電郵拖了太多時日, 有愧有愧.

這講座之所以能成事, 全賴各位朋友**的特意安排. 突然抽筋令大家忙碌又頻撲, 歉甚.

由來是我在較早前的講座及文章# , 提到 ?2012 未世這個熱爆話題, 當時只為帶出想述論點, 沒想到引起相當的討論, 甚或一些朋友的憂慮... , 都是我太大意. 特別找大家來想想 (所謂) 未世的下集大結局到底是怎樣的.


符慧敏醫生趁訪港之便來Club O結緣,分享潮流尖端的開悟. 聽聽她講宇宙天理的真諦、幸福的祕袂、


1) 量子時間觀--時間與本質不是直線
2) 你我社會的連貫性如何出現
3) 人可以如何做──健康平衡點
4) 各式修行的意義

2009年7月26日(星期日) 晚上7:15-9:00

旺角昌明大廈7字樓G座Club O會址

講座內容網上錄音, 請登入:

網頁左列選入 "講座重溫". 此講座被列入 "特別節目" 欄.

我將陸續整理好內容寫成文章, 在此上蛓以便大家參考.

**特別感謝綠色生活教育基金的主席周兆祥博士及夫人, 副主席孔慶玲小姐, 資深會員 Emily Ho 的通融安排. 當然最重要是我的靈氣良友郭勝千 (內容大綱是與他共撰的). 至於不可多得的良師益友 Queenie 和 Jacky, 自然是不在話下.

#請 click 入本頁右下角標籤: "身心靈講座; Public talks on the Body-Mind-Soul complex", 參閱較早前在這裡上蛓的相關文章.

2009年5月14日 星期四

The Little Wonders in my Wanders-- my life as an (bystanding) Australian 4: Round the (english) world in 80 sec

This picture is REAL. I took it just last week, with a chuckle, when I was waiting on the platform for my train to school.... .

Then I received the following e-mail fr a dear friend this morning & couldn't help sending it to U. Happy reading.....
(it's nice to know that our 'English' in Mainland China is not too ... well, U know what.)

Happy reading.....
Wonderful English from Around the World

In a Bangkok temple:

Cocktail lounge, Norway:

Doctors office, Rome:

Dry cleaners, Bangkok:

In a Nairobi restaurant:

On the main road to Mombassa, leaving Nairobi:

On a poster at Kencom:

In a City restaurant:

In a cemetery:

Tokyo hotel's rules and regulations:

On the menu of a Swiss restaurant:

In a Tokyo bar:

Hotel, Yugoslavia:

Hotel, Japan:

In the lobby of a Moscow hotel across from a Russian Orthodox monastery:

A sign posted in Germany's Black Forest:

Hotel, Zurich:

Advertisement for donkey rides, Thailand:

Airline ticket office, Copenhagen:

A laundry in Rome:

2009年4月24日 星期五

身心靈講座— 反思與迥響 A-1: 葷素之間; A Talk: The Scientific & Medical evidence in Spirituality— some reflections A-1: To go vegan or not, should we be bothered?

一直很想談葷素取向這題目, 實在太多人問過我. 結果有一次, 在中國文化協會的討論最有意思, 那源自一位朋友就佛學中「慈悲」這概念的提問.

I've long wanted to elaborate more on this most frequently enquired subject of vegetarianism. Let me described here a beautiful discussion we had at the Chinese Cultural Association, initiated by a stimulating question from the floor on the Buddhist concept of 'Mercy'.

經常聽到這樣的表述: 「為了佛法慈悲, 我 n 年前開始了茹素. 」. 當中的概念含混, 不能等閒視之, 蓋因佛祖正道, 最重「覺醒」. 能草率或顧自執妄得覺醒嗎?

It is not an uncommon declaration: "I practise the dharma of Mercy as preached by the Buddha to have become a vegetarian xxx years ago.", overlooking the plain fact that these 2 practices are utterly unrelated. Oh yes, sure it matters that we clarify misconceptions, for the very reason the Buddha teaches us to be the 'aware'! Awareness is never the fruit of rashness or stubbornness.

那麼「慈悲、慈悲」說得多了, 不如釐清一下. 慈悲乃是願眾離苦得樂: 「慈」心是願眾得樂, 「悲」心是願眾離苦. 對自己人人都能相當慈悲的 :-) 修行起來的關鍵, 卻是個程度的問題, 由自己這個原點出發, 把慈悲心擴到親友眷屬圈內是常性, 到陌生人已然難得, 慈悲心的極至是對怨懟仇恨的, 仍無異致. 絕對是知易行難的一回事.

Let us start w/ the concept of 'Mercy', which consists of 2 elements: benevolence & commiseration. Most of us won't have any problem to be merciful on ourselves :-) Like many other spiritual teachings, it is a matter of degree & extent, that makes the practice easier said than done. Much of our daily experience is to limit the practice of 'Mercy' to our immediate circles of friends & family. Yet true benevolence & commiseration in Mercy is to go beyond, to strangers & even enemies: That's all 'practising' is about.

行悲心, 自然令人傷其他物類之死, 故佛道戒殺. 在數次講座中, 引了這個小故事來說明: 多年前在美國某博物館, 看到一張毫不起眼, 關於早期移民的歷史照. 當中兩個男子閒適地把步槍擱在肩上, 雖然相距頗遠, 其滿臉傲桀的笑意, 卻仍躍然而出. 他們身後有巨型 (至少三倍於其身高, 亦佔地非常闊) 似乎是 ?貨物或是 ?農產品的一堆物事. 細看註解才慄然而驚-- 那座山模樣的是北美野生水牛的屍體.

One natural consequence of commiserating is empathizing deaths of other living organisms & thus the buddhist precept of no killing. I described in several talks the following personal experience to elaborate: an inconspicuous historic photo of early immigrants to the New World, that I spotted in a US museum years ago. Two men w/ rifles on their shoulders in leisury posts, yet their smirks of pride is almost tangible despite the distance from their photographer. Right behind them is a gigantic pile, at least 3x the men's height & extending quite an occupancy of space, of ?goods/ ?farm produce. It was only after reading the caption that I shuddered in horror-- carcasses of shot Bisons (native N American Buffaloes).

同是殺生, 整族印地安人一個冬季, 可能只獵幾隻水牛, 吃前還按傳統先得祭其亡靈, 這體顯了行悲心的普世性. 我所認知的佛學道理, 最最反對我們常掛在口邊, 要吃新鮮「生猛」禽畜海產的取向: 例如活魚只炸其尾, 啖其肉時, 魚嘴還會開合; 或把活蝦火鍋生焯的吃法. 剛死的動物, 肉身意識雖沒, 但靈魂「神色」仍在, 仍會感到痛*. 有些宗教嚴格規定肉食必先祭神, 其理在此.

This is a story of contrast: the act of killing is the same. A whole tribe of native Indians might kill a few bisons for the whole winter & they performed rituals to pacify the dead animals' 'spirits' before consumption. This is a live example of execution of this universal merit of commiseration. It is well in the odds of Buddhist teaching, as in my understanding, to consume 'fresh' meats, for the belief that dying animals' 'spiritual consciousness' still linger* & they can still feel pains of their death. That also explains why doctrines of certain religions forbid eating of animal parts without performance of specific rituals.

聽到這裡, 中國文化協會座上一位女士的提問很有意思: 「植物也有這種『神識』嗎?」.在靈能圈子中, 人們還討論山川湖海、沙漠草原、「蓋亞」以至宇宙/ 星際神識**哩,怎能少了植物的份兒? 那位逗人的女士好不失望: 「那我們都吃甚麼啦?」

The stimulating question asked by a witty lady in the Chinese Cultural Association was: 'Does the same apply to plants' spiritual consciousness?'. The spiritually-aware have been talking about spiritual consciousness of mountains & lakes & deserts & prairies & that of the Gaia & even a new term of 'exoconscious'**; the answer to the above question can only be a loud & obvious 'yes'! To her disappointment, her next question was: 'Then what CAN we eat?'

就是這個發人深醒的問題, 本來準備好的材料還沒這個精彩. 我不禁要說: 重點不在於能/ 可以/ 應否吃甚麼, 而是錯中複雜得多, 以何種態度吃的問題: 我們有尊重生命嗎? 我們有聆聽關心自己身體的需要嗎? 佛祖謂一滴水中也有眾生, 你以為吃片麵包沒有殺生嗎?

That very question led us into a wonderful discussion, aloft of all the material I'd prepared. I must say anyone who lingers on the issue of WHAT we can/ may/ should eat misses the whole point! It's never the single faceted simple question of WHAT or but the complex one of HOW: do we respect lives? do we listen to the natural calls of our own bodies? "There're lives in even one drop of water.", so the Buddha taught. There're lives sacrificed even when we eat a piece of bread.

都說「我執」是覺醒的一大障礙, 拘泥於「吃甚麼」這單一層面的死硬派, 執迷難悟啊. 毎一種飲食法則的產生, 自有其地緣或執行上的道理: 一樣的印度教, 居於南方北方或山中的教徒, 便可以有非常不同的糧食需要. 何解要作繭自縛於諸如 "奶類品可以, 那蒜頭洋蔥有犯戒嗎" 一類煩惱, 把自己坑死? 只要我們珍惜食物, 並心惦供我們養料而失去了的生命, 便不枉人間此一行了. 這就是 「我們有尊重生命嗎?」 的意思.

Die-hardism at the 'What' level, in fact this applies also to many situations in Life, is a great hindrance to advancement in awareness. The emergence of a particular type of diet must have its geographic & practical reasons: the faith of Hinduism is the same but followers in the North or in the South or in the mountains could have very different diets. Why do we frame ourselves w/ questions like: 'if diary products are ok, then how about garlic & onions?' As long as we treasure foodstuffs & the lives sacrificed for the provision of our nutritional needs, we're playing the games in Life beautifully. That's what I meant by "do we respect lives?"

那麼以科學的角度,怎樣才是「正確」的飲食? 最直接是從進化論出法. 現今人類學家的共識是, 現代人類, Homo Sapiens 的直接近祖, 是首類能直立活動 的Homo Erectus. Erectus 在地球的出現, 與另一較接近猿猴的素食人種生物 Homonids 的消失, 幾近同時發生. 也兼吃肉的 Erectus 的腦容量大1/3; 活動時, 手背不需像 Homonids 般不時著地, 科學家相信, 這是他們能製作工具的關鍵. 我不想把事情說成, 是因為Erectus 「進化」成兼吃肉,而達到上述的改變, 以免觸動某些人的神經 :-) 只想指出上述變化有時間上的關聯. 客觀事實上, 肉食確有助於拓展生存空間, 使不限於長有可食用植物的範圍, 而可沿河而居以捕魚, 或到野生動物出沒的地域去.

Still more people asked me the 'correct' diet from the scientific point of view & a direct approach is that based on theories in Evolution. Anthropologists' consensus is that the direct ancestor of modern human specie (Homo Sapiens), Homo Erectus, emerged w/ the disappearance of a group of more ape like vegetarian beings, the Homonid species, whose brain volumn is at least 1/3 less. Erectus's ability, as his name implies, to stand upright is thought a major physical advancement leading to tool-making ability. I do not want to put forward the notion that the above are results of Erectus' 'evolving' into an omnivore, in avoidance to hurt anybody's sentiments :-) I only want to hereby point out that these changes are temporally associated. As a matter of fact, meat eating does serve a major survival advantage, that Erectus' dwelling domains do not have to be limited to the natural habitats of edible plants, but possibly along rivers for fishes or into potential hunting grounds.

從解剖學上看, 我們的腸胃結構, 實是近於素食的雜食者. 我們沒有牛的四個胃,或其他素食動物獨有的消化酶或長長的消化道, 已說明了我們的糧食進化史, 亦側面說明了, 長期進食不恰當食物能致病的道理. 另一要點就是毎人的個別體質, 甲之補品, 乙之砒霜. 我真的認識, 只嗅到五花茶氣味便頭發暈的體質虛寒的人士. 盲從又絕對的偏食都大有問題, 特別是當這種飲食法, 被指為適合任何人士時. (現在還聽到有人在吃曾風行一時, 某Dr. Arkin 主張的全肉食減肥餐單嗎?) 為了口腹之欲, 或「跳樓貨」的價錢, 甜品、生蠔「食放題」,或大熱天吃火鍋都無謂之至. 這就是所謂「我們有有聆聽關心自己身體的需要嗎?」的意思.

From the anatomical point of view, the human intestine is typically omnivorous, w/ a vicinity to the vegetarian end. The plain fact that we do not have typically herbivorous guts (eg. 4 stomaches of cows, specific enzymes or lengthy digestive canals) tells a lot, especially our dietary developmental history, as well as implications in possible diseases if a grossly deviated diet has been taken for a prolonged period of time. Another no less important factor is INDIVIDUAL NEEDS; one's apple can be another's poison. I do know of people whose weak 'froid' physique renders them intolerant, feeling giddy and nauseated, to even the smell of certain strong herbal teas. It would be a blind breach of common sense to adopt an absolute vegan diet or a pure animal protein diet, esp when it's said suitable to EVERYBODY (where're U, old Dr Arkin's once faithful followers?). How much sense does it make in: dessert buffets/ taking plates of oysters/ hot pot in prime summer... just for the 'cut-throat' prices or mere satiety satisfaction? Where is the long forgotten virtue of our common sense? That's what I meant by 'do we listen to the natural calls of our own bodies'.

聖經上說: 「我們的身體, 乃是靈魂的聖殿.」看我們輕率的讓觀感物欲, 凌駕於聖殿的安寧, 不諦是愚中之最了 :-(

"Our bodies are the synagogues of our souls." Letting material desires override tranquility & serenity of our sacred temples could well be one of the silliest possible deeds of our kind :-(

那麼修行人的素食是錯嗎? 老友, 世事無絕對, 只有真情趣 :-0 沒有對或錯, 只是合適與否. 若修行人矢誓素食, 那管是為守戒或其他原因, 他的身體自應其誓言而作轉變, 就是這麼簡單. 這當然與「潮流興素食」, 或「希望皮膚好一點」, 或空言「為了慈悲」卻不明其理等等, 截然不同. 亦解釋了何以有人持素而神采奕奕, 有人卻臉無血色.

Then what about the vegetarian diet by practitioners? Are they wrong? My dear friends, there's no right or wrong; there's only appropriateness :-) when monks/ priests or other practitioners vow to adopt a vegetarian diet, may that be for observation of precepts or other reasons, w/ a sincere & strong wish, their bodies respond to their vows! As simple as that. Definitely a totally different story from vegetarian diet 'being fashionable' or 'good for the skin' or the empty talk of 'for the sake of being merciful'... blah. That explains why there're such variable outcomes among vegetarians.

註* 有聽說過剛死的人, 不曉得自己已死, 「神識」仍眷留其肉身所在處的說法嗎?

PS* As to the lingering on of the 'spiritual consciousness' of the dead, heard of a saying that 'the just dead are not aware of his death that his spirit lingers around his physical body?'

** 關於宇宙/星際神識, 聽聽專家的話好了:

** About "exoconscious', do go & see what the experts have to say:

看似有些朋友頗為 2012困擾... 亦心繫在此時代洪流中的參與. 以此為題真是項大工程啊 :-) 容我一試. 預告:
身心靈講座— 反思與迥響 B-1: 2012 又如何?

Many seems rather concerned or even bothered w/ the notion of 2012... & wonder what one's role is in the current tide of changes. That could occupy pages of writings :-) Let me try that in our next ones here. So coming next:
A Talk: The Scientific & Medical evidence in Spirituality— some reflections B-1: What about 2012?

2009年4月10日 星期五

身心靈講座— 反思與迥響 1-3; A Talk: The Scientific & Medical evidence in Spirituality— some reflections 1-3

就我們之前有關新紀元的討論出發, 很自然的後續提案是: 今後何去何從? 亦有人喜歡從另一角度看: 我的個人取有關係嗎?

A natural continuation from our previous discussions on the New Era would be: Quo Vadis? Or in another way, as some may prefer: DOES IT MATTER what I choose in response?

首先, 先捫心自問, 無需邏輯推理, 上述兩組提案, 哪一個正對上了您閣下的脾胃?

Before anything, check for yourself which of the above 2 questions you are more inclined to ask. Nothing about logic here; just your personal choice of tastes.

細看一下不難發覺, 選取上述兩個提案的人士, 各自有截然不同的思維. 如果 「今後何去何從?」 這問題對您產生更強的腦震盪, 恭喜您! 您意屬坐言起行, 空論無益之輩, 非瞻前顧後之流, 大可作時代的尖兵!

A closer look is all it takes to reveal the 360 degrees difference between the 2 mindsets of those picking the 1st vs the 2nd. If the question "Quo Vadis?" carries more meaning to you, congratulations! You are among the pro-active, adventurous, action-than-talk, rationality-than-consequence boundaries-pushers of our times.

奇就奇在, 傾向 「我的個人取向能有作為嗎?」 這種建基於懼的思維, 大不乏人, 當中不少還是有識之士, 虔敬修道者或社會活躍份子哩. 「我一個人省下一點點電, 還不及旺角某街角燈火通明的一晚哪.」; 但凡討論靈修, 環保, 社會公義一類題目, 卻以此等無奈口吻作結, 真難禁失望. 而我行此文的首個目的, 正是要說服有此等想法的諸位, 放棄這種消極的態度.

And it is my job-for-the-day here to dissuade those who initially picked the pessimistic "DOES IT MATTER what I choose?" from this FEAR-BASED frame of reasoning. It is strangely surprising how often discussions on topics of spirituality/ environmental issues/ one's should-vs-could conclude with this equivocal remark; it is particularly disappointing when it is with elites, the educated, claimed religious and socialists. "Does it matter if I help save this bit of electricity when the whole Mongkok is bright as day-time with commercial lightings?"

提這個問題正反映, 擔心付出了而無回報, 害怕落後於盛世的歌舞昇平, 終致懷疑個人的能力有何作為, 還不是建基於懼? 幾乎可以肯定接著的對白便是: 「 算了吧, 不如去喝一杯.」

Why say that this little query points to a 'fear-based' attitude? Oh, sure yes, sir! One worries about vanity here. The possibility of efforts given without a visible return bothers him & there are hidden fears of being disadvantaged in his personal share of affluence. The next statement coming is almost certainly, "let's forget this & go for a drink."

先不談 「蝴蝶效應」 這看來深奧的理論 (這內裡大有文章, 有興趣的話可找 「混沌原則」 , The Chaos Principle, 的資料看看). 單單就這提案反映出閣下是何許人馬, 已顯出您個人取向的重要性. 究竟您選取的是何種生活態度? 甘於人云亦云, 還是我自有主張?

Let's put aside the difficult theory of <The Papillon Effect> (of course, this is totally relevant; those interested can look up ). Oh yes, my friends, it DOES matter what you choose now, for the simple reason that it reflects WHO you are & your choices in how you lead your life, unless you are satisfied with taking OTHERS' choices. Would you rather like to be dragged along or have your own say in directions?

對「今後何去何從?」 這題目, 我會循兩方面著手:
A. 何以自處
B. 何以相處 (與人, 與物, 與自然宇宙)

My approach to the headline of "Quo Vadis" is 2 folded:
A. how I get along with myself
B. how I get along with non-selves (other of the human species, other living things, the environment)

就相關題材的文章, 我將以A-__ 或 B-__標題作識別. 第一手 A 類別 (與己自處) 的題目, 自不然是我曾說要寫的: 葷素之間. 那麼下期預告:

身心靈講座— 反思與迥響 A-1: 葷素之間

By titling upcoming passages as A-__ or B-__, I am to address the above 2 one by one here. A good start of an A topic (getting along with oneself) is going back to what I promised to write before: To go vegan or not, should we be bothered?

A Talk: The Scientific & Medical evidence in Spirituality— some reflections A-1: To go vegan or not, should we be bothered?

2009年4月5日 星期日

I'll keep inventing salad dressing!!

Sometimes I can't help feeling sorry for the bruised pears & peaches in supermarkets; nobody touches them & the more the touches they receive, the higher the likelihood they'll end up in the rubbish bin. :-(

Then I bought a pack of peaches yesterday & found 2 of them bruised. Excessively bruised peaches could be too sweet & soggy & detesting; a friend told me she feels nauseated just looking at them... . BUT to save bruised peaches fr their rubbish bin destiny, I 'invented' this dressing (we're NOT talking about peaches that have turned bad, just bruised; so DON'T complain to me for a tummy ache out of insensible judgment... :-P ), which is actually a variation of my usual honey+ balsamic vinegar dressing:

peaches into large slices+ 1/2 spoonful of honey/ maple syrup (or anything that is thick)+ your preferred amount of balsamic vinegar

Excessive manipulation gives sogginess & your salad may end up too watery, so prepare this dressing w/ minimal stirring after all the washing & chopping & cutting of the vegies. To add to richness of taste (ie. not just sweet & sour) add in salt & medley grinds of pepper; in fact, I do think the pepper is the key to perfection here.

This photo was taken when I spent my last month in Hong Kong in Lantau & found a COMPLETE collection of Peanuts at the public library there, which is just off the street corner fr our place. So I spent almost every day devouring both my salads & the Peanuts :-9 WM.

2009年4月4日 星期六

The Little Wonders in my Wanders-- my life as an (bystanding) Australian 3

People e-mailed me & asked about the 'butterflies' on my hand. Well, I do not know the name & have to go to check it up in a library (if anyone knows, of course pls e-mail me). This is how the plant is like: inviting twigs w/ little clumps at the end so the butterflies wiggle & dance in the wind! The 'butterflies' wings' are thin & half transparent; they look like nymphs & fairies.

I told U about flowers in every backyard & here are the most attractive crops on my way to school. Can actually bike from the train station to the college but every time I can't resist leaving my bike at the station but walk up just because of them. They cannot be expensive cos they're everywhere; nothing to be nursed in a glass house or fancy thing like that. Not to mention, household plants like herbs; everybody plants them.

There's still more to tell U about Aust plants here :-) WM.

2009年4月1日 星期三

My Little Wonders of my Wanders-- my life as a (bystanding) Australian-2

Before I came here, people talked about FLOWERS in Sydney & I couldn't help feeling puzzled. Flowers?
Where else there's no flowers?...

But ney, flowers here are booms; ferocious is the word. They come in clouds & crowds whose colours hurt your eyes. And they are ubiquitous that no body seems to bother to look at them... .

Flowers are at every other back/ frontyards; by the road side; everywhere. Look at these 'butterflies' on my hand. They really flicker in the wind!

Let me show U scrubs & weird plants next time :-)

2009年3月26日 星期四

身心靈講座; A Talk: The Scientific & Medical evidence in Spirituality

BodyMindSoul Video Workshop3


多得多位朋友的幫忙**, 這裡上載了二月十九日晚上, 在綠色生活教育基金 Club O , 這糸列講座的最後一講的 (應該是) 全部內容.

必須說的是, 這次是同一題目中, 我自己個人感到最興奮快意的一次. 相信是因為已有了上幾次的「熱身」, 予會人士本身水平高自是不在話不 :-)




Many Lives, Many Masters, Same Soul, Many bodies by Dr. Brian Weiss
Collective Consciousness & cultural healing by Duane Elgin
Conversation with God, Friendship with God, Communion with God by Neale Donald Walsch
The Soul & Quantum Physics> by Dr. Fred Alan Wolf
What can Science tell us about Collective Consciousness By Dr. Robert Kenny
*The Intention Experiment by Lynne McTaggart
The Life of Vivekananda and the Universal Gospel by Romain Rolland
The Life of Rama Krishna published by Adaita Ashrama; www.adaitaasharama.org
The Hour of God by Sri Aurobindo
Raja Yoga by Swarmi Vivekananda
What the Buddha taught by Prof. Walpola Rahula (Dharma text, book not for sale)
Spontaneous fulfillment of desires by Deepak Chopra
The Energy of Prayer, No Death, no Fear by Thich Nhat Hanh
Awakening> by Mary Rodwell
Quantum Physics in for Radical Revision—DNA; excerpt fr the book Vernetzte Intelligenz
By Grazyna Fosar & Franz Bludorf; summarized & commented by Baerbel
The Complete guide to the Kabbalah by Will Parfitt
The Alchemist by Paolo CoehloInternal documents, Human Universal Energy

此外, 講座中提到「愛」與「懼」的能量本質, 亦在這裡表列給大家參考:

The contrasting features of “fear” vs “Love”:

L-the energy which expands, opens up, sends out, stays, reveals, shares, heals

F-the energy which contracts, closes down, draws in, runs, hides, hoards, harms

L-give away all we have; holds clear, lets go, soothes & amends

F-clings to clutches all that we have; holds close, grasps, rankles & attacks

原文出自Conversation w/ God 糸列各部分, 為免失真, 在此不妄作翻譯; 留給大家細味固中意思.



**包括幫忙錄影設備的 Tina Li Hoffman Wong, 還有孔慶玲小姐的悉心安排.

特別鳴謝: 郭勝千 (阿千) 先生把影帶剪輯上載, 工夫不少的! (嘻嘻, 如果能用電腦特技, 去掉臉上皺紋眼袋什麼的更好啦…) 我在其他場合的講座和活動錄影, 他還在處理中, 大家多電郵給他加油吧!

2009年3月19日 星期四

My Little Wonders of my Wanders-- my life as a (bystanding) Australian-1

The 1st experience that I feel in my body upon my setting feet on this place is: Hey! My body SLOWS-s-ss-z-zzz do-w-n & that includes my brain. Everything goes slow: the bank queue, the supermarket queue, the carpark pay-up queue & people's brain waves *_* Of course I knew it & love that.

This is well exemplifed by my landlady-- the most frequent type of sentences fr her mouth is a question:
"I don't get that... ; can U say that again?"
"hmmm, I'm not sure I understand. Why is it that?"
The strangest bit is: these can come 3 days after the initial issue or 10 times after I've said the same thing, if not 20.
I'm going to take that as the best coaching & training for my endurance & patience; I surely need that for my personal aspiration :-)

There was one time when I wonder how on earth she's going to any movie cos she'll have NO chance to understand any storyline... . And indeed, once we're talking about movies when she said, "oh, I've not been to one since long; I never understand what's going on... ." :-)

Closeby the place I stay is a small park of trees & children's play area but all the time I've been there, the place looks lonely: just me & the birds. Know how it feels walking on newly lawned grass the 1st thing in the morning? Let me tell U: like walking on CLOUDS. It's springy, bouncy & WET from the morning dew. It feels so good that I can't help my urge to do that walk every other day. Evening walk? Well, it could be too chilly this time of the year.

I went to the long endless strip of beach, the Lady Robinsons Beach, along Brighton-Le-Sands a couple of times & each time a little nice surprise. This beach is way way long, extending 5-6 subsurbs, meaning quite a couple of train stations in distance. It is said that the water is too cold to swim. There's a fishing gentleman there feeding the gulls that flocks hovered at this spot & what a scene. See the strait opening at the far open end of the gulf on the picture? If U turn your head to the left, that arm of the strait opening is actually the airport & U can actually see planes landing & taking over, cool!

Let me tell U more about Australian PLANTS next time we are here :-) WM.

COMING UP: Australian plants.

身心靈講座— 反思與迥響I-2; A Talk: The Scientific & Medical evidence in Spirituality— some reflections I-2

就上次我們討論「人類文明的關鍵時刻」這話題上, 不少朋友提出重要意見, 看來應先補充完畢, 才進入下一題目.

It came rather a surprise that I received a few suggestions & comments for my last post on this topic in just a few days. Looks better that those are addressed adequately before we move on to the next subject of discussion, the notion of vegetarian diet.

1. 馬雅曆記錄到20121221, 好像聳人聽聞, 真有根據嗎? 20121222= 世界末日嗎?

The notion that known records of the Mayan Calendar ends on the 21st December 2012 is worrisome. Does it mean that the 22nd December 2012= the End of the World?

若明瞭量子力學中, 「時間」這概念的真正意思 (這兒定將再作述說), 以及人的意念與物質世界的現實之間的相互關係, 世界末日這個「小」問題, 即時変得顯淺得很:

*非得須知將來為何; 乃須尋覓活出將來.

不是嗎? 任何文獻在任何一點記錄完畢, 當中可能意義重大, 亦可能毫無意義. 我們怎麼可能憑空推算得到固中道理?

For anyone who really understands the concept of Time in the perspective of Quantum Mechanics (this will SURELY occupy a chapter in our discussion in future at this site here), as well as the relationship between Intention & Reality in its right state of affairs, it should become obvious to him/ her, with respect to this little problem of “22nd December 2012”:

*The future is NOT for us to know; the future is there for us to live into, seek & find.

The plain fact that any Calendar ends at any point could or might carry certain meaning, unless it does not J

抗拒無常並尋問意義是人之常情, 只有覺者明察秋毫, 此所謂「智者不惑」.

在此一題目上, 基本資料就是這個被認為來頭不小的「宇宙曆」, 記錄剛剛完結在多位靈性學者知道是多事之秋的時候. 理會與否是人們的自由意向, 但我有理由相信, 不可置之不理.

It is Human nature to resist changes (the Dharma Seals of Dukkha & Anicca as preached by the Buddha) & cling to meanings to cultivate our own sense of security, but these efforts are most often futile. The aware & conscious would rather look at the ‘problem’ at its very core & ‘live out’ his Reality.

The plain fact we have here is that this “Cosmic Calendar” of substantial agreed significance also happens to have a recorded end at an era opinionated by spiritual authors as extra-ordinary. The question is whether you choose to take heed of that or not; I choose to. And I think my reasons are sound ones.

其一是按某些數據模式的推算, 北極冰帽完全溶掉的時間2012 (亦有說2026). 其準繩度並非此討論的重點; 人所共知的事實是: 冰溶的最後階段可以很快而無法預測. 問題是: 任誰也無法想像得, 到一個無冰的北極是個怎樣的世界吧? 還用我在此多貧嘴嗎?

According to some projecting mathematical models on the melting pattern of the Polar regions, one estimate is that 2012 is the time of complete melt-out of the North Polar Ice Cap (some says 2026). Accuracy and margin of error is off the point of discussion here; any housewife can tell U her hands-on experience w/ frozen food that the final stage of flawing is FAST (thus UNPREDICTABLE). An iceless North Pole is beyond everybody’s wildest imagination, agreed? Do I need to drill on this further?

另一個未免「太巧合」的事: 只約是十年前, 人們也許未聞說過密宗 (即金剛乘佛教中的藏傳佛教, 亦稱喇嘛教), 或連西藏在啥地方也不知道, 緣何無端近年仁波車都在外傳佛法, 西藏問題又「突然」上了國際層面? 必要聲明的是: 我充其量只是個對各宗教教義略有涉獵的自學者, 一切官方訊息, 務必向有關方面求證, 無意在此作非正式的「代言人」. 但據我好些修煉密宗的長輩朋友的師傅們所示, 密宗之所以稱為「密」宗, 以其有別於顯宗, 他們固有的一套佛法和修持, 只到了近世才能向外傳, 上天所示下的原因是, 之前人類的精神文明還未成熟到足夠水平; 亦可以說當我們進入了水瓶座時期, 普世的內觀自省成了大氣候.

Another piece of the same cake is about Tantric (Vajrayana) Buddhism, a term which may have been unheard of to many of us some 10 years ago. Why all a sudden Rinpoches are out preaching & all the political concern about sovereignity of Tibet, whose location on a map many might even have problem to set their fingers at? The doctrines, both on spiritual ascension & bodily training, of this branch of Mahayana Buddhism have been kept strictly to insiders for about a thousand years; thus the origin of its translated name in Chinese, 密宗, which literally means The Secretive Doctrines, as opposed to 顯宗, meaning The Open Doctrines. At most only a knowledgeable self-learner of various religions, I am by all means no official spokeswoman of any sort here; one will have to consult the respective authority for that purpose. According to my many friends who are senior Tantric Buddhism practitioners, their guru’s teachings is that Humanity spirituality has previously been NOT of mature enough level to be receptive, till ONLY recently. Or one may resort our now better receptivity to the current Era of Aquarius, when many of us simply cannot resist our internal call of self-reflection.

我個人想東西傾向 「好天真, 好傻」 :-) 也無可救藥地樂觀, 所以我根本否定 「世界末日」 這個說法! 當然也因為我有其他訊息來源, 以後有機會定就這些細談. 這裡簡單的總結是: 我相信這時代是個新紀元, 只要我們當中有足夠的人這麼相信.

Born an optimist, I simply refuse, & I of course also have my reasons, to think that the world will be a goner by end of 2012. My personal belief, as well as judgment from other sources, is that there WILL BE a New Era awaiting us. The KEY issue is: if there're enough of us believing in the notions of a New Era, so it WILL BE.

關於香功 (智悟功) - 1

香功最為人所知的是練功者嗅到香氣, 是故毎當有人知道我在練香功, 必定問我香味的來源 J 我個人粗淺的看法是, 練氣功增進身體機能, 最先受惠的應是那些所謂「基層」生理糸統, 就是在各進化梯次中, 由「低等生物」(如昆蟲) 至「高度進化」的人類, 也必共有的糸統, 如血液循環或呼吸等. 有趣的是: 香功亦稱「智悟功」, 具開發大腦思維和感應的特點, 香功的動作都是上下左右對稱的, 大概這是達致左右腦能量平衡的關鍵點罷; 而中樞神經中進化梯次中最低的正是嗅覺. 由此最簡單的推論便是: 香功針對加強腦部機能, 其中進化梯次中最低的嗅覺糸統, 被直接激化, 練功者便嗅到香氣, 非源於外在環境; 也許這也解釋了, 何以各人即使在同一場所, 所嗅到的香氣也不盡相同. 一如身體的其他狀況, 何時嗅到香氣, 其性質和濃郁程度如何等, 皆受身體的狀態所影響, 不應作無謂比較.

已在不同場合多次提出, 練功要選在空曠氣場好的地方, 這是有多年練功經驗的長輩的再三叮嚀. 初學時動作未搞清楚還沒關係, 到熟習了後, 練功者的「脈輪」*時會開啟以釋放「病氣」**, 故應避免在密封的場所與陌生人一同練, 除非知道該場所有專人負責清洗氣場, 不然可能會在不知情的情況下, 吸入了別人的病氣.

* 脈輪 (Chakras) 是古印度醫學 (Ayurvedic medicine) 的概念, 一如我們的穴位經絡學說, 西方醫療主流雖未完全掌握這些概念在解剖上的根據, 但亦無法全盤否定它們在能量治療 (Energy Medicine) 方面的功能. 可以姑且粗淺地把脈輪視為身體的能量站.

就能量治療 (Energy Medicine) 這題材, 我會在此另文寫出我個人的想法.

** 「病氣」一詞出自一個西醫的口中, 看起來好像不甚恰當. 實情是, 相近的概念在各地域各古老民族中自古流傅, 完全不是新鮮事. 有經驗的針灸師可以毫無困難地形容, 病氣 (狀如濁煙, 量少) 如何沿著針從病者身體內釋出, 且還會就病因或嚴重程度不一而外象不同.