A natural continuation from our previous discussions on the New Era would be: Quo Vadis? Or in another way, as some may prefer: DOES IT MATTER what I choose in response?
首先, 先捫心自問, 無需邏輯推理, 上述兩組提案, 哪一個正對上了您閣下的脾胃?
Before anything, check for yourself which of the above 2 questions you are more inclined to ask. Nothing about logic here; just your personal choice of tastes.
細看一下不難發覺, 選取上述兩個提案的人士, 各自有截然不同的思維. 如果 「今後何去何從?」 這問題對您產生更強的腦震盪, 恭喜您! 您意屬坐言起行, 空論無益之輩, 非瞻前顧後之流, 大可作時代的尖兵!
A closer look is all it takes to reveal the 360 degrees difference between the 2 mindsets of those picking the 1st vs the 2nd. If the question "Quo Vadis?" carries more meaning to you, congratulations! You are among the pro-active, adventurous, action-than-talk, rationality-than-consequence boundaries-pushers of our times.
奇就奇在, 傾向 「我的個人取向能有作為嗎?」 這種建基於懼的思維, 大不乏人, 當中不少還是有識之士, 虔敬修道者或社會活躍份子哩. 「我一個人省下一點點電, 還不及旺角某街角燈火通明的一晚哪.」; 但凡討論靈修, 環保, 社會公義一類題目, 卻以此等無奈口吻作結, 真難禁失望. 而我行此文的首個目的, 正是要說服有此等想法的諸位, 放棄這種消極的態度.
And it is my job-for-the-day here to dissuade those who initially picked the pessimistic "DOES IT MATTER what I choose?" from this FEAR-BASED frame of reasoning. It is strangely surprising how often discussions on topics of spirituality/ environmental issues/ one's should-vs-could conclude with this equivocal remark; it is particularly disappointing when it is with elites, the educated, claimed religious and socialists. "Does it matter if I help save this bit of electricity when the whole Mongkok is bright as day-time with commercial lightings?"
提這個問題正反映, 擔心付出了而無回報, 害怕落後於盛世的歌舞昇平, 終致懷疑個人的能力有何作為, 還不是建基於懼? 幾乎可以肯定接著的對白便是: 「 算了吧, 不如去喝一杯.」
Why say that this little query points to a 'fear-based' attitude? Oh, sure yes, sir! One worries about vanity here. The possibility of efforts given without a visible return bothers him & there are hidden fears of being disadvantaged in his personal share of affluence. The next statement coming is almost certainly, "let's forget this & go for a drink."
先不談 「蝴蝶效應」 這看來深奧的理論 (這內裡大有文章, 有興趣的話可找 「混沌原則」 , The Chaos Principle, 的資料看看). 單單就這提案反映出閣下是何許人馬, 已顯出您個人取向的重要性. 究竟您選取的是何種生活態度? 甘於人云亦云, 還是我自有主張?
Let's put aside the difficult theory of
對「今後何去何從?」 這題目, 我會循兩方面著手:
A. 何以自處
B. 何以相處 (與人, 與物, 與自然宇宙)
My approach to the headline of "Quo Vadis" is 2 folded:
A. how I get along with myself
B. how I get along with non-selves (other of the human species, other living things, the environment)
就相關題材的文章, 我將以A-__ 或 B-__標題作識別. 第一手 A 類別 (與己自處) 的題目, 自不然是我曾說要寫的: 葷素之間. 那麼下期預告:
身心靈講座— 反思與迥響 A-1: 葷素之間
By titling upcoming passages as A-__ or B-__, I am to address the above 2 one by one here. A good start of an A topic (getting along with oneself) is going back to what I promised to write before: To go vegan or not, should we be bothered?
A Talk: The Scientific & Medical evidence in Spirituality— some reflections A-1: To go vegan or not, should we be bothered?