I've no idea what U're undergoing in this stage of your life, my friends, but the above-mentioned awesome feeling was what happened to me when I watched "Born into Brothels", a widely awarded documentary by Mr Ross Kauffman & Ms Zana Briski. Of course there's Avijut's extraordinary achievements & adventures & the concerns on the girls' fate & destiny, but I can never forget Manik's gentle eyes (if I'm right w/ the Sanskrit root in his Bengali name, Mani- means ‘jewels’) nor Gaur's kind & mild temperament in his deep ideas of righteousness. When a child is named Shanti (meaning ‘Peace’ in Hindi; could be a common name though), there must have been an immense accompanying sentiment w/ the birth of this little one… . Just HOW do we set ourselves free from our visible/ intangible frames?
Sure, the audience will have their own personal journeys & struggles to move on w/, but perhaps nothing echoes better what Forrest Gump says: "Life is like a big box of chocolates, U'll never know the taste of your next piece till U actually unwrap the foil & put that into your mouth." (the literal than the verbatim here).
For more, go to: www.bornintobrothels.com
nice docue, thanks for share doc!