Though cannot fully distant myself fr the sensitive subject of Religion, I do wanna stay away fr Politics (urh! :-6 ) as much as possible. But perhaps an exception here, would U mind?
Just read in the June 1st issue of Times magazine on P.20-23 "The CXA's (or CIX's) Silent War in ...**". I've actually flipped thru' this piece many times & was about to return this copy to the library, but.... . Well, I scorn any recount of the content here as it is too nauseating & believe a better title will be "The XIA's (or CXX's) Dirty Cheapie tricks of Cowardice." Check this piece out & I'm almost sure U'll be w/ me here.
Just what is in the small stale minds of those weapon developers (they've a nice name: defense contractor) ???? Mr. Engineers of a company named Gen. Atomics based in SD? This comes to 2 main points of discussion.
1. Does the (what-you-want or as-you-desire) end ALWAYS justifies ALL means? Ask yourselves, Mr Engineers, can U honestly tell any fundamental difference in your haggard & end-of-wits ideas behind this 'defense' development project from those engaged in jihads, other than that it costs millions more & comes w/ a high-tech fanciful name? Let aside ideological rightfulness & polical correctness, at least people know what's in a jihad; I do not know a 'drone' can have such applications as to kill (perhaps it only refers to the sounds the machines produce?), U cowards! Quoting a top operation man in Afghan, Mr Hxnk Crxmpton, "the drone was a 'brilliant intelligence tool'." OK, tell me Mr Crumptxn, do U teach your son to ambush in school playgrounds when he is desperate at anything, do U or do U not? Make a statement of yourself by telling: do U or do U not, sir.
For sure even a high-schooler can tell if the end always justify the means (oops, perhaps not US high schoolers...). But is it even more shameful to have your dirty trick put under the banner of 'scientific development' & hips of money into crushing the unarmed at the strikes? Dear sirs, think about the spirit of swordmanship in tournaments your European medieval ancestors talked of; ??this spirit has got so diluted by capitalism, expansionism (of course Egoism!) & whimsical paradigm shifts (or swirls?) that it now only gets smirked at? But isn't the Middle Ages also called the Dark Ages in European History? Where are we now? The Ultra-Dark Ages? Even from a totally utilitarian point of view, all intelligence points to the VERY fact that 'for every family affected by any drone attack, at least 5-6 potential jihadists can be recruited. Do U know simple arithmetics, sir?
2. I 1st learnt about the term "terrorism" reading history of the Russian Revoluation: the Tzar's then stance of extreme sovereignty choked every thread of free-thinking of the young, especially those who had traveled & received education abroad. Down & out & frustrated, a small group of extremists resorted to blackmailing, kidnapping & violence, hoping to get themselves heard. "Terrorism has always been forlorn desperate means of the weak", when there is a lack of normal negotiating or ventilating channels. Then it just fits into the idea of:
"Any attack is a call for help." by Neale D. Walsch in his Conversation w/ God series; U'll find this in Bk 1. Chew between the lines & U'll see the gem of truth that lies underneath. This got me to think of the equally down-&-out Somalian pirates.... .
**about unmanned (drone) aircrafts that lay booming eggs
Just read in the June 1st issue of Times magazine on P.20-23 "The CXA's (or CIX's) Silent War in ...**". I've actually flipped thru' this piece many times & was about to return this copy to the library, but.... . Well, I scorn any recount of the content here as it is too nauseating & believe a better title will be "The XIA's (or CXX's) Dirty Cheapie tricks of Cowardice." Check this piece out & I'm almost sure U'll be w/ me here.
Just what is in the small stale minds of those weapon developers (they've a nice name: defense contractor) ???? Mr. Engineers of a company named Gen. Atomics based in SD? This comes to 2 main points of discussion.
1. Does the (what-you-want or as-you-desire) end ALWAYS justifies ALL means? Ask yourselves, Mr Engineers, can U honestly tell any fundamental difference in your haggard & end-of-wits ideas behind this 'defense' development project from those engaged in jihads, other than that it costs millions more & comes w/ a high-tech fanciful name? Let aside ideological rightfulness & polical correctness, at least people know what's in a jihad; I do not know a 'drone' can have such applications as to kill (perhaps it only refers to the sounds the machines produce?), U cowards! Quoting a top operation man in Afghan, Mr Hxnk Crxmpton, "the drone was a 'brilliant intelligence tool'." OK, tell me Mr Crumptxn, do U teach your son to ambush in school playgrounds when he is desperate at anything, do U or do U not? Make a statement of yourself by telling: do U or do U not, sir.
For sure even a high-schooler can tell if the end always justify the means (oops, perhaps not US high schoolers...). But is it even more shameful to have your dirty trick put under the banner of 'scientific development' & hips of money into crushing the unarmed at the strikes? Dear sirs, think about the spirit of swordmanship in tournaments your European medieval ancestors talked of; ??this spirit has got so diluted by capitalism, expansionism (of course Egoism!) & whimsical paradigm shifts (or swirls?) that it now only gets smirked at? But isn't the Middle Ages also called the Dark Ages in European History? Where are we now? The Ultra-Dark Ages? Even from a totally utilitarian point of view, all intelligence points to the VERY fact that 'for every family affected by any drone attack, at least 5-6 potential jihadists can be recruited. Do U know simple arithmetics, sir?
2. I 1st learnt about the term "terrorism" reading history of the Russian Revoluation: the Tzar's then stance of extreme sovereignty choked every thread of free-thinking of the young, especially those who had traveled & received education abroad. Down & out & frustrated, a small group of extremists resorted to blackmailing, kidnapping & violence, hoping to get themselves heard. "Terrorism has always been forlorn desperate means of the weak", when there is a lack of normal negotiating or ventilating channels. Then it just fits into the idea of:
"Any attack is a call for help." by Neale D. Walsch in his Conversation w/ God series; U'll find this in Bk 1. Chew between the lines & U'll see the gem of truth that lies underneath. This got me to think of the equally down-&-out Somalian pirates.... .
**about unmanned (drone) aircrafts that lay booming eggs