2009年8月26日 星期三

自然飲食過渡小錦囊3— 媽咪救命秘笈; Diet in tune with Nature3-- Survival guide to beginning moms

自然飲食過渡小錦囊— 媽咪救命秘笈

Diet in tune w/ Nature-- Survival Guide to beginning moms.
Authors: Dr WM Fu & Devoted Advisers*
Part I: FAQs & Our tips

3. 全穀類米價格較白米貴, 加上減少了肉食後, 家人飯後沒多久便嚷肚餓 (因較易消化). 皮費可不輕哩!

3. Everybody turns hungry sooner after we switch to less-meat-&-whole-grains meals (look, better & more efficient digestion!). This eats into the family budget. Help!

有辦法: 可加入其他含碳水化合物的雜糧,如各式應時豆類,或馬鈴薯、甘薯 (即蕃薯)和山芋,淮山片 (春季尤合)、南瓜、小米、薏米、 粟米粒等,既豐富米飯的口感和味道,也減輕皮費。亦可考慮做菜飯和菇菌飯。

Our Tips: Add in supplementary carbohydrate-rich vegies: seasonal lentils & beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin dices, milias, polentas & other grains. Taste & texture of your rice is greatly enriched. Similarly, rice enriched with sauteed vegies or mushrooms can be considered for the same budget-lowering effect.

豆類應與米同浸同煮,或看受熱程度先下豆, 水煮開了再下米. 夏季可選綠豆、眉豆、 赤小豆、 扁豆; 冬季可選紅豆、黑豆、紅腰豆。 薏米、玉米全年皆宜。印尼雜貨店有一種袋裝碎玉米,易存放易煮,方法與煮豆飯同。秋季的當然之選必是栗子。

Beans often take longer cooking time depending on their bead size, so boil them a few minutes ahead of the soaked rice as required. According to Ayurvedic medical principles, diet in line with the seasons is the best proof to Health & the colour often gives the observant the hints: red beans, black beans or kidney beans are best for Winter; green beans & eye beans for Summer. Corn kernels, pearl barley or polentas are all-seasons versatile add-ons. Think about chestnuts in Autumn to early Winter.

煮南瓜、薯芋類需時較短,最好切成小塊,在飯將煮好收水時才加。注意:甘薯和芋多吃易滯,只宜佔少量,食滯胃痛和胃腸濕熱皆忌。薯類的皮含豐富養分, 能接受的話,最好選購有機種植的,用刷子刷淨連皮同煮來吃。芋皮卻不能吃。

On the other hand, pumpkin, Taro & the potatoes are done sooner. Cut them into small dices to be added to your rice later at the final stage of low fire. This little trick gets every ingredients ready at the table in their respective required cooking time; thus no more soggy overcooked pumpkin or potatoes like rags. The skin of these stem-roots (except Taro) are wonderful source of nutrients. For the best benefits, buy organic, clean the surface w/ an old toothbrush & skip the peeling. Pls take note that patient of stomach problems or dyspepsia should avoid bulk amount of Taro or sweat potato.


Take it this way: would U rather spend on medical bills or on your food? Long-termed inappropriate diet is already beyond doubt the culprit of many chronic diseases. Let alone the medical bills, some may argue their insurance being seamlessly comprehensive, & what about the mental & emotional stress during even minor ailment?. It surely pays here: U're what U eat.

4. 煮全穀類米飯,很花時間才能把飯煮開. 家人都投訴飯硬和「頂胃」。

4. It takes a long while to cook un-milled whole grains like wheat, red or brown rice. And everybody complains against the 'hard' meal.

有辦法: 除了提早幾小時浸透生米,或混和白米這些方法外,有一個又快又好的妙方:把米浸好連水置塑料器皿放進冰格,水結冰膨脹,令穀物的纖維鬆軟,易煮快熟,省時省能源。

Our tips: We all know hours of soaking the whole grains ahead of cooking saves time & energy. One may also like to begin by mixing whole grains w/ white rice to soften meal texture. One quick fix is: soak the grains in a frost-resistant container to be placed in your freezer. Grain fibres get softened by ice crystals as a result & your tenderly chewy rice will be ready for the hungry gang soon enough.


最重要, 而都市人都多不去注意的是: 細嚼慢嚥 (想想您上一次, 認認真真的花上只管是半小時, 全心全意, 心無旁騖地吃一頓是甚麼時候?)根本這是老掉牙的話題, 卻是各地民族的傳統智慧, 亦已得到腸胃專家的科學證實: 毎口飯至少應咀嚼五十次, 食物才夠細碎, 及有足夠時間與唾液混致充分消化吸收, 穀物的天然滋味這才好戲在後頭哩。何苦賺那十數分鐘而賠上健康代價? 慢慢開始培養這健康習慣吧, 別再讓我們的腸胃幹粗活了。

Yet a most important & highly overlooked point is the invaluable bit of how your eat-- chewing (just think about this: when did U last spend at least half an hour at the table for a totally 'devoted', un-distracted meal?). An universal piece of traditional wisdom, as well as well-proven in modern medical terms, it is known that chewing of no less than 50 times is needed for adequate pulverization & mixing w/ saliva for the best digestion and absorption. U'll find the natural delicate grain flavour the ultimate bonus. Why so much hard work for our dutiful stomachs all these years in place of mere negligible minutes 'earned' from hashed meals?

看較早前 "小錦囊" , Click 入本文未的 "SMART EATING; 自然飲食."

For related posts, click the label "at the end.


5. 煮全穀類飯,家人時有投訴「無味」。

6. 想讓小朋友多吃水果,總是給各種包裝零食比下去,很是氣餒。

Coming next:

5. I want to cook whole grain meals but they all detest the bland charmless taste... .

6. I think my kids are not eating enough fruits but they'd rather turn to packaged snacks. This is so depressing.

*愛心顧問: 胡蘭華女士, 邱詠瑜女士. Fanny Wong 女士.
*Our Devoted Advisers: Ms Ida Wu, Ms Virginia Yau, Ms Fanny Wong

Ooops! Australian Art

Every one talks about art & artwork & arts & artists' events in Sydney & what I found here is: too much is going on & too many to join in.

This picture is in one of the rooms of the New South Wales Museum of Contemporary Art, a place I regard the best to spend a whole day every now & then.

Of course there're ongoing events & big exhibits... . But I rather adore a series of little side rooms at the back showing pencil works & sketches of early settlers. Small pieces of work of the size of your palm or your PC, as if they were just yesterday. Time in a bottle.

Click the label "旅遊大世界; Round the world in 80 seconds" for my other adventures. :-)

2009年8月24日 星期一

26.7.09- 未世方程式

對不起大家, 我人太散漫... :-P 這通電郵拖了太多時日, 有愧有愧.

這講座之所以能成事, 全賴各位朋友**的特意安排. 突然抽筋令大家忙碌又頻撲, 歉甚.

由來是我在較早前的講座及文章# , 提到 ?2012 未世這個熱爆話題, 當時只為帶出想述論點, 沒想到引起相當的討論, 甚或一些朋友的憂慮... , 都是我太大意. 特別找大家來想想 (所謂) 未世的下集大結局到底是怎樣的.


符慧敏醫生趁訪港之便來Club O結緣,分享潮流尖端的開悟. 聽聽她講宇宙天理的真諦、幸福的祕袂、


1) 量子時間觀--時間與本質不是直線
2) 你我社會的連貫性如何出現
3) 人可以如何做──健康平衡點
4) 各式修行的意義

2009年7月26日(星期日) 晚上7:15-9:00

旺角昌明大廈7字樓G座Club O會址

講座內容網上錄音, 請登入:

網頁左列選入 "講座重溫". 此講座被列入 "特別節目" 欄.

我將陸續整理好內容寫成文章, 在此上蛓以便大家參考.

**特別感謝綠色生活教育基金的主席周兆祥博士及夫人, 副主席孔慶玲小姐, 資深會員 Emily Ho 的通融安排. 當然最重要是我的靈氣良友郭勝千 (內容大綱是與他共撰的). 至於不可多得的良師益友 Queenie 和 Jacky, 自然是不在話下.

#請 click 入本頁右下角標籤: "身心靈講座; Public talks on the Body-Mind-Soul complex", 參閱較早前在這裡上蛓的相關文章.